Product image 1MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 2MAYBE DEAD - ATB
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Product image 4MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 5MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 6MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 7MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 8MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 9MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 10MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 11MAYBE DEAD - ATB
Product image 12MAYBE DEAD - ATB

Regular price $2,100.00

26" ATB


This is the first bicycle ever to have been designed by tarot reading. We know because the cards told us. From the window of the lodge of dreams, lit by a candle made of blood (the candle was screaming) we watched the cloaked figure Death strike a path through fresh snow upon a mountain bicycle, recognizable as death by glimmering skull shining in the white, piercing moon.
Death called out to us “You will die 2 deaths as you birth this bike. The first death will be of convention, for the bike will be strange. The second death will be of trepidation, for you will no longer be afraid”
2 deaths: death being the thirteenth Major Arcana in the tradition of divination by cards and multiplied by the number of deaths that death told us we would die in the dream lodge. Well, that equals 26. And so, death told us not of our demise, but of the rebirth of the number 26 … Inches.
And so “Maybe Dead” was born from Death’s arrival at the cursed lodge of dreams, wrought from finest dream lodge steel and with UDH dropouts because the cloaked figure said so. ISO brake tabs and PF30 bottom bracket for eccentric bottom bracket because that is what the grim reaper wanted. This bike will not accommodate 27.5” wheels because the cards said tukt (4 of pentacles).



  • Made in USA by PRANDUS
  • 12x142 rear and 12x100 front spacing
  • UDH dropout allows for T-TYPE derailleurs
  • 27.2 seatpost
  • 73mm PF30 bottom bracket (ONER ready for single speeding)
  • 26x2.4 Tire Clearance
  • 34/34EC headset 
  • 30.0 Seat Collar
  • VeloSpec Pro Main Tubes
  • Cable routing for Wireless/Singlespeed drivetrains only unless requested 
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